Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A few ramblings...

Seriously. Can you tell that it is slow at work? 3 posts in one day...what is up with that? I have been browsing the web on this slow day from heck and I have a lot running through my I thought I would get it out.

* I'm a blog stalker. I know a lot of people say this and I really wonder what they mean. Do they stalk well known blogs and just read the most recent posts from when they found it? Do they read blogs daily from people they know? This is what I mean when I say that I am a hardcore blog stalker. I will find a blog I like and read it from the very first post...even if it has been years. This is one of my favorite past times to do at work when it is slow. Then, I periodically check back on these blogs and just hope that they post again because I love their posts so much! These are not just people that I currently know, that I have known or want to know but complete strangers which I never plan on meeting. Yup, the secret is out. When I do this it makes me start thinking and wanting to write a blog even though I know it won't be nearly as good as the ones I read.

* I have found the Cafe Rio salad. For years I have heard how amazing it is and that I should try it because it is delicious. The first time I heard or saw it...or heck even went to Cafe Rio was when I worked at a dentist office and we would get lunch once a month for meetings and then also for birthdays. One of my fellow assistants would always get the salad, eat half of it and save the other half for the next day. I never tried it because lettuce makes me gag so what is the point of having a salad? Well, on my quest to lose weight and become a healthier human being I have been trying a lot of new things and discovering that I like them. So, I decided to try the Cafe Rio Pork salad...and I'm addicted. I do the same thing at work where I eat half of it and save the other half for lunch the next day. Is there a support group for these salads?

* I love my job. I love coming in to work every day and seeing the clients and how happy they are to come in to their job. They are so nice and say hi to me every time I walk by...which is a lot, but I never get tired of their hello's. Ultimately I would like to be a mother, but if I could swing it to keep this job and be a mom...that would rock.

* I am feeling healthy today. I am trying to force myself to become a runner and a morning the same time. Smart, I know. Since Friday I have dragged my lazy butt out of my nice warm bed in the morning to workout....including Saturday. Sunday is my only rest day, because...duh it's the day of rest ;) So, I have been running for anywhere between 45 minutes to 90 minutes every other morning and doing circuit training on the other mornings. Now, please don't get me wrong...when I say I'm running for 45 minutes that includes jogging with a little bit of walking, but I'm working on it. The other day the treadmill let me know that it doesn't like working in the morning either. I went to step on it while it was running and my brain was also mad about being awake and I didn't step on the side part...yup I basically went into the splits. The inside of my thigh hurt all day yesterday from it.

* I am also feeling domestic. Lately I have been super OCD about keeping the house clean, the laundry done, the meals cooked and everything in order. I have been making meals for my lunches on Sunday for the whole week which saves me a ton of money. We also have been eating at home more often, and I don't remember the last time I bought a frozen meal. It doesn't mean I'm making fancy meals...last night was french dip sandwiches, tonight is BBQ chicken pita pizzas. But, they are meals that Luke and I can eat without feeling guilty about spending too much money on or points (weightwatchers)

* I am EXTREMELY lucky to have the life that I do. Every morning I can wake up, get up and exercise, shower, eat breakfast, drive to work, work 8 hours, have a lunch in there, come home, eat dinner, watch TV with Lucas, take a bath, watch Gilmore Girls, and go to bed. (this is pretty much my weekday routine and I am asleep by 8:30 or 9:00) How many people do you think would love to have ONE of these things. A lot of the people I work with can't even get up and shower themselves in the morning. So, not only can I enjoy the simple pleasures in life I get my favorite man to enjoy those with.

There you go, some thoughts that have been running through my mind on this hump day :)

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